sábado, 6 de outubro de 2012

Open and Shut?: Open Access in the UK: Reinventing the Big Deal

Open and Shut?: Open Access in the UK: Reinventing the Big Deal: I’m not so sure that the Big Deal fell into disfavour. At least it didn’t for a long time. What did fall into disfavour was the idea of top-slicing, which was very unfortunate. It transpired that many librarians prefer to pay more for less than have their budgets top-sliced.

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

Interface de busca

Esta é uma página experimental, a qual oferece oportunidade de acessar mais de 400 milhões de registros (artigos, teses, livros, relatórios etc). Veja na parte inferior deste site as fontes de informação que são consultadas por esta interface.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boa Sorte!!! ----------------------------------------------------
